Applied Sociology and Social Communications Department

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Applied Sociology Department (Sociology Technologies Department before 1996) was founded in 1993.

The Department trains specialists on the specialty “Sociology” (Bachelor’s, Specialist’s, Masters’s qualification level).

Department Areas of Specialism: Communicative Management, Advertising and PR.

Department graduates with Specialist's and Master's degrees are awarded the qualifications of sociologists and teachers of Sociology.

Department graduates' areas of employment: Social Problems Research Institutions; Public Opinion Research Centers; schools, colleges and universities; personnel, consulting and travel agencies; state and municipal government; local self-government. Training within the department allows the graduates to get the jobs of sociologists, teachers of sociological disciplines, PR-managers, advertising managers, spindoctors, marketologists, anti-crisis managers etc.

Head of the departament - Doctor of Sociology, Full Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine Vil Bakirov.

Tel. +38 057 707 52 37
