About the School

Web site: http://history.karazin.ua/

The history of the School dates back to the opening of the University (1805). Among the University faculty and alumni were outstanding historians I. Sreznevsky, B. Dorn, N. Kostomarov, V. Ikonnikov, M. Drinov, M. Sumtsov, D. Bahalii, F. Schmitt, D. Yavornytskyi, V. Buzeskul, A. Schlichter, and others. In 1910, at Kharkiv University, the title of Honorary Doctor of Russian History was for the first time awarded to a woman – the outstanding historian and ethnographer A. Yefymenko. Among the University Doctors Honoris Causa was the first president of Ukraine, M. Hrushevsky. In the 20th century, such well-known scientists as Yu. Knorozov, M. Barg, Yu. Kondufor studied at the School.

The School of History offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in History and Archeology with the right to teach at higher education institutions. Among the School graduates are many state, public and political figures, diplomats, law enforcement officials, and the media workers.

In total, the School students are taught more than 150 courses and specialty courses, covering the topics from the history of ancient civilizations to modern problems of European integration and international relations. The basic courses taught at the School of History include: History of Primitive Society, Archeology, Ethnology, History of the Ancient East, History of Ancient Greece and Rome, History of the Middle Ages, History of Western Europe and North America of Modern Times, History of Ukraine, History of Russia, Special Historical Disciplines, Historical Geography, Fundamentals of Historiography, Historiography of the History of Ukraine, etc.

The School consists of five departments, which give students the opportunity to choose a specialization for further research. Students can specialize in: Ancient and Medieval Studies, including Byzantine Studies, History of Eastern Europe, History of Ukraine, History of Western Europe and North America, History of European Integration and International Relations, Historiography, Source Studies and Archeology, Research, Protection and Use of Cultural Heritage.

The School researchers study topical issues of national and world history, archeology, historiography, source studies. Every year, undergraduate, postgraduate students, and faculty members of the School participate in international conferences, exchanges, and research projects. The School has several laboratories and research centers: Educational Laboratory of Historical Informatics, Research and Study Laboratory of the German-Slavic Archaeological Expedition, M. Drinov Center for Bulgarian and Balkan Studies, P. T. Tronko Center for Area Studies. Students undergo practical training at the University History Museum and the only Ukrainian university-based Museum of Archeology. The School publishes five professional collections of research papers: “Bulletin of KhNU. Series ‘History’", "Antiquities", "Kharkiv Historiography Collection", "Drinov Collection"; the collection of young researchers’ papers "Current Issues of National and World History". The School annually holds research conferences, exhibitions; organizes archeological expeditions. The School of History is a well-known center for preparing educational literature on history. Dozens of textbooks and manuals have been written here. The School has the Thesis Committee for defense of PhD and doctoral dissertations. Every year, about 10 postgraduate and doctoral students study at the School. The country’s oldest student research society works at the School.

The Erasmus+ academic exchange program, the Monnet module project "History of the United Europe: Ideas, Projects and Integration" operate at the School. The School students annually participate in the program “Tours of Polish Archives”, which is implemented under the cooperation agreement with the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University and in archaeological research of the Institute of Archeology of the University of Warsaw in Poland. Every year, the School of History students become winners of the All-Ukrainian History Olympiad, the All-Ukrainian History Tournament, and the All-Ukrainian Competition of Student Research Papers; speak at conferences and participate in seminars, summer/winter schools at EU top universities.