Erasmus Mundus

The most famous of all EU academic mobility programs is Erasmus Mundus launched in 2004. The program is a mechanism for student and academic exchanges between EU countries and beyond. Senior students and scientists from different countries, including Ukraine have an opportunity to get EU scholarships to continue education or conduct research in EU countries.

Erasmus Mundus is an EU educational program aimed at international cooperation revitalization and enhancement of mobility among students, faculty and researchers of higher educational institutions of the third-world countries. Trying to turn the EU into the world leader in education and European universities — into knowledge and innovation centers, the Erasmus Mundus program also aims at promoting mutual understanding between people, encouraging intercultural dialogue.

Erasmus Mundus was founded by the EU in 2004 for non-member countries. Senior students and researchers from different countries, including Ukraine have an opportunity to get EU scholarships to continue education or conduct scientific research in EU universities. Erasmus Mundus answers challenges facing the modern higher education system: training European citizens for living in a global multicultural society which is based on knowledge and education, upgrading the quality and appeal of higher education in Europe. These principles correspond to the EU Lisbon Strategy under which the governments of the partner countries are committed to making the European economy competitive and capable of dynamic development and the European higher education – affordable and of the highest quality in the world. The program also supports the Bologna process implementation, contributing to academic degrees recognition and development of university education internationalization.

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University is an associated partner of the MID project and a partner of the BMU-MID project. It actively participates in these competitive projects.

In 2014, the Erasmus Mundus program was transformed into the Erasmus+ Learning Mobility.

Erasmus Mundus Action 1 Master's Programs moved to Erasmus+: Degree Mobility — Master's Programs

Erasmus Mundus Action 2 moved with certain changes to Erasmus+: Credit Mobility

Find out more about the Erasmus Mundus projects here.