Sustainable Development: Conflicts and their Solutions on Post-Soviet Space

The main objective of the Summer School “Sustainable development: Conflicts and their Solutions on Post-Soviet Space” is to give students from the EU understanding of different conflicts on Post-Soviet space.

For this reason, we worked out an intensive educational program with huge practice component, showing the history and actual political problems. Main subjects of our summer school are:

– “history”, historical perspective on the problem of conflict existence;

– “culture”, traditions and differences in mentalities and ideologies of peoples in post-soviet countries;

– “politics and geopolitics”, development of CIS, different points of view and political reasons of conflicts (including economic one) and, of course, a deeper look on all “conflicts on post-soviet space” and “conflict-management”.

All these modules consist of lectures, seminars and practical work, like meetings with national minority organizations or active workshops. To complete the program there will be also excursions around Kharkiv region, which are connected with topics of the modules.


Participants of the Summer School will be accommodated in double or triple hotel rooms. Breakfast and lunch are included.


Cultural Activities and Field Trips


Overview of the program

Dates of the program

